Our team

Packaging Machinery > Company > Our team

A highly qualified team of professionals is constantly studying the demands of the market to develop whatever our clients might need. An intimate client-supplier bond is of utmost importance to us at Irta Group and our clients are in constant contact with our designers and engineers. Anything which concerns our clients matters to us.

Irta Group Packaging invests a great amount of resources in research, development and innovation in products and applications that will make what we manufacture much easier to use.

Due to the continuous growth of our company, its expansion abroad and the development of new applications, we have been forced to increase our workforce and create specific departments to handle the different areas of the company. This has led to greater agility in evaluating deviations, introducing corrections but above all in having absolute control over the situation of every order whether it be a replacement part, a machine or a full production line.

The area which has grown most over the last two years has been technical assistance and start-ups. This department is one of the basic pillars of the company because if we have an unsatisfied client it is very unlikely that he will repeat an order for new machinery.


At Irta Group we are happy to say that every client who purchased a first machine from us has then continued to expand his business with us. We owe it to our clients who are first and foremost and for them we have a highly qualified team of professionals who are able to give almost instantaneous solutions to any machine malfunction. We understand the enormous inconvenience to have a machine or entire line standing idle and for that reason our emergency hot-line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Now that we know which have been the fastest growing areas over the past few years we should like to mention the other areas which make up our company. We have 4 departments and 4 areas which together with Management form the following organization chart.

General Manager & Project Manager & Head of Production

Department of Engineering, Technical and Research Office

Department of Production, Purchases and Exports

Department of Administration and Finance

Department of Marketing and Communication

Electrical/Electronics and Programming Area

Mechanics and Assembly Area

Technical Assistance Area (remote control access or onsite)

Logistics and Warehousing Area