The installation, start-up and training are always carried out by qualified employees of our factory who visit our clients’ workplace to give a training course to the workers who will be responsible for running our machines.
This course is extremely important as these workers have to be familiar with such areas as, the new touch screens, programming and parameters, etc.
Machines and installations leave our factory tried and tested. When we run these tests we package our client’s own product and use his film or plastic. This procedure saves time in the start-up and in subsequent production trial runs.
The time spent on the start-up or the training course will depend to a great extent on the complexity of the installation, type of machine or the specific needs of each client.
Essential matters
We stress the importance of following the instructions given by our technical staff when it comes to preparing the area where the machinery is to be installed. Care must be taken to ensure that the electrical panel which will power the machine, the pneumatic installation for air and a water supply, if necessary, should be in place.
All our machines are delivered with EU certification, two copies of the operating manual, electrical wiring diagrams and a full list of replacement parts for identifying and, if necessary, placing an order.